Monday, May 6, 2013

Take your child to work day

The week before last we were able to celebrate take your child to work day.  Lily joined Kim at her office downtown D.C. for an exciting day of fun with about 12 other kids of various age ranges.  Lily's day consisted of a parade around the office, lessons on the history of the 100+ year old building our offices reside in, lots of arts and crafts, banjo lessons and singing banjo tunes, pizza lunch, cupcakes, and a not to be missed reading of "Chicken Butt" from our resident author Erica Perl.  It was a very fun day.  Lily was a little more shy than normal, but by the end, she was even reading Brown Bear for her show and tell to the rest of the kids.  I think it turned out to be more work for the parents.  I couldn't believe how many other kids also participated.  The metro was packed with kids going to work with their parents.  And I must admit, that the metro ride may have been the most exciting of all parts of the day.  How fortunate I am to be able to do such fun things.  A couple pictures to share from the day.

The parade of kids...

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