Monday, May 17, 2010

Some more pics from Lily at 7 months

She is now nearly 25 pounds and 29 inches long. You should see her tummy hanging over her diaper and her rolley polley legs. They are the cutest.

Practicing my pole dancing on the table. Dad thinks its not a good professional choice.
Me and mom having some happy time.
Looks at my squirrel cheeks. Lots of nuts in there.
I like to put my fingers in dad's nose. Dad doesn't like it so much though.
Sometimes I smile so big I can't even keep my eyes open.

2 Weeks Gone By

It seems the time goes by so very fast. Maybe because we have so much to enjoy. Our little girl is really growing up. She is starting to get quite the personality. Two weeks ago for Mothers Day, Grandma Merry & Grandpa Ronnie came for a visit from Illinois. It was a wonderful weekend. But Lily discovered screaming for the first time. I guess she has figured out that she has a voice that can make loud noises. We try to shhh her, but don't think she understands or cares. We'll see who wins this battle over the next several years. Lily continues to be a happy baby. She has also discovered that she likes to stand now as well. I think she may end up walking before she crawls.

Yes, I have beautiful blue eyes.

I like to use my feet to play

Grandma Merry, Grandpa Ronnie, Andy & Lily

I don't think she could be any happier.
Learning to stand with the help of my toys.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

More Pictures

Lily wants to stand now so we got her a little toy to help. Look at her crazy hair.
Mommy got a haircut. Looks like Lily needs one.
My new bath tub because I grew out of the old one. Now the winnie the pooh is freakin' me out.

Our Little Girl is Growing Up So Fast

Lily continues to grow and display more and more personality each day. She is sleeping well, despite her parents spoiling tendencies. She is definitely still a very happy baby. She now gives kisses (slobbery but sweet) and she even waved good bye to her mom last night.