Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Our little love bug

Yes... she is so stinking fun.

The Michael Jordan of Bath Time

She makes me laugh
And what is this?

Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Happy Holidays from the Dixon's

A little preview below of our family Christmas pictures. As you can see our little one (at a mere 9 weeks) is a laughing, happy baby. We feel so lucky. Tonight however, she is a very sleepy baby. Not sure why she won't get up and play with her parents.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Lily is 2 months!

Yes our little bundle of joy is a growing girl. She went to the doctors today for her 2 month check up. The shots were crummy, but she only cried a little. It was very sad for mom & dad. The good news is that our little tike is a healthy bouncy baby girl weighing in at 14 lbs 9 oz. She is now over 23 inches long. She is the 90 percentile plus for her height, weight & head size. Wow. You would think we were feeding her beef or something. We are having a great time seeing her smile more, listening to her try to goo (talk) and watching her imitate our moves (mostly Chris' goofy facial expressions). Boy, does she love her dad! Hope you are all having a fantastic holiday season.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Lily at 8 weeks

Tonight we went to the doctor and found out our little one is not so little. She is now 14 lbs 5 oz. Which makes her off the charts for her weight. Wow! She is definitely a healthy baby. Now we are trying to get her spitting up and gas under control. Doctor put her on some rice cereal (in her bottle) early to help. Hopefully that doesn't make her gain even more weight.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Last Day in Oregon

On our last day in Oregon, Grandma invited a bunch of us over for lunch to eat halibut and salmon. It was incredibly tasty. Before flying out we got a chance to go out to dinner with family as well. What a wonderful visit.

(Great) Grandma Norma & Lily
Uncle Jeff & Lily
Bill, MacKenzie & Lily
Raquel, Emilio & Lily

University of Oregon Visit

On Friday, we got a chance to go watch Courtney play basketball at a tournament at UofO. Portland State lost, but we got a good picture in front of the track stadium that was made famous by Prefontaine and Nike!

Lily Bathing in Aunt Venita's Sink

Yes every baby should enjoy the pleasure of bathing in the sink.

Lily continues to love her baths.

Thanksgiving Part 2

Lily sitting on Ronda's lap and getting her first kiss from Jordan
(cousin Richard's son).
Isn't he adorable.
Lily with Ronda & Sidney

Aunt Janice & Lily

Uncle LeRoy with Hunter & Lily

Aunt Nancy & Lily

Thanksgiving Part 1

We have so many pictures from Thanksgiving that I will have to separate them into multiple postings. We had a great turkey day. Grandma's dinner was incredible. Turkey, Ham, and Prime Rib. Not to mention all the fixings and the best pie's ever. Plus we got to see all our immediate and much of our extended family. Chris and I didn't get to hold Lily the entire day.

Chris, Emilio, Austin & Jeron

Chris & Hunter (cousin Jason's son)

Uncle Jeff & Lily

Lily with Courtney & Christopher in front of Uncle Dave's Christmas Tree

Lily hanging with her favorite toy

Visiting the Carpenters

We had a wonderful time Visiting the Carpenters on Tuesday night. Macy and Cole are the most fun kids ever. Mike's steak dinner was awesome. And it was so great to spend at least a little time with my best friend.

Here is Macy holding Lily

Cole and Lily

Mike talking it up to Lily (he is a professional dad as you can see)

Oregon Days 2-4

On Sunday Donna, Angelica, Emilio & little MacKenzie came to visit Lily at Aunt Venita's house. Chris went to play in a Texas Hold'Em Tournament. He came home with more money than he left with only because the rest of the family did so well and shared their winnings with him.

On Monday, Chris worked while Kim, Aunt Venita and Lily went shopping at the outlet mall.

Then on Tuesday, we went visiting. We hit Aunt Thelma's first and then spent the evening with our good friends Mike, Ahren, Cole & Macy.

Lily with Aunt Thelma

Lily in front of the Christmas Tree and Aunt Venita & Uncle Dave's.
Uncle Dave put up the Christmas tree early for us.

Kim & Lily enjoying the warmth of the toasty fire

Lily enjoying the musical snowman and reindog
(it was her favorite toy during the trip)

Lily's First Flight

Yes, at the age of just under 7 weeks old, Lily took her first flight to spend Thanksgiving week in Oregon. Lily was a fantastic traveller both there and back. She slept most the time. Waking only to eat and get burped. No crying at all, even at the airport. We flew in late Friday night, Lily struggled the first night trying to understand the 3 hour time change, but it only took her a couple nights to get on schedule.

First thing on Saturday morning we were greeted by Grandma & Grandpa, then Ahren, Macy, Cole & Barb.

Macy, Barb & Lily

Macy and Lily playing on the floor

Lily playing with the bows on the Christmas presents

Barb, Macy & Lily

Grandma & Grandpa taking a snooze

Monday, November 9, 2009

Weekend Updates - Nearly 70 Degree Weather

Weather was fantastic this weekend. Nearly 70 degrees and sunny on Saturday and Sunday. A perfect opportunity to take the little tyke out of the house and out into the sun. Friday night we set up our new apartment in Batesville. Saturday we had a great brunch out at our favorite cafe (you can see below that Lily was a little sleepy during brunch). Then we took a walk on the trail and did a little shopping. Chris got a new Plasma TV. Mom got the new Blu-Ray player to go with it, or was it the cable I actually got... Anyhow, Chris will have another nice TV to put in the apartment.

Lily during brunch... what a good baby she is
Kim & Lily having some good crepes
Chris feeding Lily (she has to eat too)
Kim and Lily at the apartment while Chris was building Lily's second crib. Check out her hand... she thinks she can hold her own bottle already.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

The Sunshine of Our Day

Yes, we sure do love her. She is amazing, fun and definitely interesting. Keeps us on our toes. Only one more week before Kim goes back to work (so sad). And just over a week before Lily goes to the babysitter (sad for Chris then). But it will be good for our little pumpkin to have some interaction with others. In the meantime, we are going to keep spending every minute we can with her.