Monday, January 14, 2013

Chris' 40th Birthday

The final two days of our trip to Australia were spent hanging out at the beach area and celebrating Chris' 40th Birthday.  We tried so hard to find a good restaurant to eat out at, but were really not successful.  We resorted to Kim's cooking.  We also spent several days enjoying the Sunshine Coast beaches of Marychodore and Moolalaba.  Moolalaba had a wonderful beach front filled with Australian tourists.  It had some great tide pools for the kids to play in safely as well.  We got our final tourist shopping in (a few t-shirts, koala bears for Lily's friends, etc) and just enjoyed hanging out.  It was so wonderful to spend Chris' 40th birthday in such a wonderful place.  His "dream" place.  I think by the time our last day rolled around, we were ready to come back.

It is also here I must mention that we have the best traveling child any parent could ask for.  She was AMAZING not only on the way to Australia, but on the entire way home as well.  We could not have asked for a better girl.  And at three years old it was so impressive.  She definitely earned her travel stripes on this trip with 30+ hours plus a two day layover on the way over and a 25 hour trip on the way home.  Wow.

A few last pictures from the beaches around Moolalaba...

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