Sunday, August 23, 2009

33 weeks many to go???

We have had another great weekend, my sister Jodi and her daughter Karli came over for the weekend. We had fun shopping, had a great dinner at the melting pot and then showed up 20 minutes late for a movie. Yes the weekend was a reflection on the weather we have been getting, it was a balmy 68 on saturday with cloud cover and on sunday when we left the house it was 63. Not sure where summer is but it is not here.
We had another doctor appointment last week where in 5 minutes or less the doctor answer all of our questions and had us out the door. He did however teach us a new trick, we had told him about how Lily likes to kick me in the ear when I put my ear to Kim's belly and he said yeah that that is perfectly normal then he told us about what they do when the baby is not active and they need or want the baby to move around, he said they put one quarter on the belly and with another quarter tap it. I can tell you for sure it works and Kim has banned playing quarters on her belly anymore. Lily was all wound up for about an hour and a half. Our next doctors appointment is September 8th and I will have to think up some more questions to ask. Hope you all had a nice weekend.

1 comment:

Ahren Carpenter and Family said...

Kim said you were gonna post some pregnancy photos . I am excited to see them. I miss you guys and hope all is going well!