Friday, January 9, 2009

Winter Wonderland

Sounds like the weather has been crazy all over the U.S. It was a tough week in Indiana as well. Couldn't make it to work on Tuesday. I saw four wrecks on the highway over 10 miles and decided that it was more than I wanted to handle. The rest of the week was a little dicey, but the salt trucks were on overtime so that helped. The problem is that its all ice and freezing rain. I can handle snow, but this "wintery mix" as they call it is for the birds.

Chris starts physical therapy today to see if that will help his back. We are hoping this helps him avoid another surgery. Keep your fingers crossed for him. I'm looking forward to him being able to sit more than 30 minutes so we can fly places. It's been too long since we've been able to take mini vacations.

Our master bathroom remodel is still plugging along. Longer than we planned as they are still waiting for the cabinets to get in. Hopefully that will be done soon so we can move back into our master bedroom. Good thing we have nice guest bedrooms.

Hope everything is great for all of you.

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