Friday, September 9, 2016

Pacific City with the best friends a family could ask for

On our last week in Oregon, we were lucky to spend an entire day hanging out with the Carpenters, Kim's best friend since age 4 and great family friends to all of us.  Ahren and Mike rented a house directly on the beach and boy were the views amazing.  We had a great lunch and also enjoyed some homemade blackberry/peach pie and coffee on the beach.  The other amazing thing was that the weather was darned near perfect.  Sun on the Oregon coast is a rarity, so we absolutely enjoyed ourselves.  We also checked out the tide pools, hiked a heck of a sand hill (way to go Lily) and did some hoola hooping on the beach.  So lucky to enjoy the time with such great friends.

Cole, Macy and Lily running for the freezing cold water

Kim, Lily, Cole and Macy climbing the sand hill at Pacific City

While the weather was nice, the water was still a freezing 40 some degrees (ugh)

Cole, Macy and Lily looking in the tide pools

 Macy, Lily, Ahren and "cool" Cole

Mike and Chris

Best friends for 38 years (unbelievable)

Hoola hooping practice (Lily and Ahren)

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