Sunday, April 10, 2016

Norma & Cliff's 60th Anniversary Party in Oregon

Lily and Mom were so fortunate to be able to join the Albee & Cremer clan for an extended weekend over Valentine's Day to celebrate Cliff & Norma's 60th wedding anniversary.  It truly was a weekend filled to the brim with family and friends, some of which I personally haven't seen for 20+ years.  The party was an amazing success with over 150 people.  And Lily so enjoyed spending time with all her cousins.

Lily painting Aunt Venita's fingernails for the party

Katie and Lily decorating cupcakes for the party

Christopher, Katie, Lily, Raquel and her significant other

Lily and Hunter (Jason's son)

Lily and Baby McKayla

The Albee Clan (from left to right LeRoy, Venita, Jeff, Cliff, Norma, Donna & Marvin)

Lily and Courtney

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