Monday, April 20, 2015

Back home in Maryland - your typical play dates and cupcake making

It was a long drive back from Florida, but Lily was truly a trouper and hardly complained the entire 14 hour drive back.  She seemed satisfied with a Happy Meal for lunch and lots of movies to keep her company.  Chris and I feel so lucky to have such a great traveling partner.  Now, if she could only do her share of driving.

Because we made it hone in one day, it gave us the entire weekend to get everything back in order.  I mean to have play dates and make cupcakes.  Somehow the unpacking, laundry, grocery shopping and car cleaning all got done around Lily's fun.  Not sure how... but glad Lily had a fun time.  I guess we owed it to her for being so good on the trip.

Gianna, Mary Grace & Lily enjoying some tubs of water and sprinklers on a nice 80 degree day in April.  Definitely a nice transition back from Florida.

There was a lot of dress up going on after the sprinklers (Gianna, Mary Grace & Lily)

And don't forget cupcake making

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