Thursday, October 30, 2014

Halloween Party at school

Lately it feels like every holiday happen at least three times for us.  Once at school, once at the after school program, or once at the beach and then once at home.  It is really a lot for a parent to keep up with.  Last weekend we headed to the beach and had the most fantastic Halloween party with our beach friends.  Apple bobbing, pass the pumpkin and cookie decorating were all hits.  Boy, I never knew apple bobbing could be so hard.  Try it if you don't believe me.  So that was Halloween celebration #1.

Celebration #2 happened today at Lily's school.  She shed the witch costume from last weekend and opted for the princess costume.  Tomorrow is celebration #3 at her after school group.  Then #4 when she gets home for trick or treating around our neighborhood.  Good thing for all these princess costumes that her Grandma Merry bought her last Christmas.  She is thoroughly enjoying wearing a new costume for every event.

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