Friday, February 14, 2014

Exciting Weekend with Lluc, Gianna and a Cookie Exchange Party

Last weekend we finally stayed home for the first weekend in a long time.  I thought we were in for a relaxing weekend, but it turned out busier than ever.  Friday night, Lily got invited to a play date with Lluc and Sofia at Lluc's house.  It meant the first night out for Chris and I in I don't know how long.  We had a nice dinner date before going back to pick up Lily.  Saturday we were back at Lluc's to celebrate his dad, Peter's, birthday.  We had a great day and enjoyed traditional raclette for dinner.  On Sunday we were starting to make valentine's cookies when we got a call from Gianna who wanted a play date so we had a cookie play date.  After that, it was off to a cookie exchange party filled full of lots of cookie bearing families.  Lily even won an ant farm at the cookie exchange raffle.  Then the snow came...

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