Thursday, January 7, 2010

Snow... Snow... Snow...

Probably 4 inches so far and a couple more coming tonight. Roads are a mess, but who cares when you have an apartment 2 miles from work. Can't tell you how happy I am not to have to drive the 70 miles back to Indy. Plus I get to spend more time with my little pumpkin and my wonderful husband. Lily is doing great. She is starting to teeth, gets a little grumpy if we don't get her Orajel on her gums quickly. She is also starting stretch out a little bit. Our chunky monkey is looking less chunky the last couple days as she stretches out. She is also a good little sleeper. She has been sleeping sometimes 8-10 hrs before waking up. We still poke at her thinking there must be something wrong with her, but she is just snoozing away. Life is good....

1 comment:

Ahren Carpenter and Family said...

Teeth!! No she can't grow up that fast it makes me sad!!