Tuesday, December 23, 2008

The Weather Stinks!

Remember a couple blogs ago when I said it was cold, but thank goodness the roads weren't bad. Well... I take it back. This afternoon I got freezing rain & sleet for my 70 mile drive home, the entire way. It was like an ice rink every where, then add a nice 20 mile per hour wind against the Expedition... and I had a little accident. The Expedition just has a small ding in the back and a tail light broke. The Suburban that ran into me got it a little worse, but no bad. No injuries. Needless to say it took me nearly 3 hours to get home. Then once I pulled into our road, I couldn't even make it into the drive way and we live on a completely flat street. Ugh. This stuff was the worse I have ever seen. They were shutting down parts of the highway all over the place.

A little yoga when I got home helped. I'm thinking I'll hit the bottle next.

Hope you are all safe and sound! And not on the roads.

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