Saturday, December 27, 2008
Rough Week
Its really been a rough week for us. After an accident on Tuesday night, we found out that our wonderful brother in law lost his battle with cancer after an amazing fight. He will be more missed than he will ever know. Chris and I spent the holiday in Bloomington, enjoying some quality family time. Hope you are having a great and safe holiday season.
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
The Weather Stinks!
Remember a couple blogs ago when I said it was cold, but thank goodness the roads weren't bad. Well... I take it back. This afternoon I got freezing rain & sleet for my 70 mile drive home, the entire way. It was like an ice rink every where, then add a nice 20 mile per hour wind against the Expedition... and I had a little accident. The Expedition just has a small ding in the back and a tail light broke. The Suburban that ran into me got it a little worse, but no bad. No injuries. Needless to say it took me nearly 3 hours to get home. Then once I pulled into our road, I couldn't even make it into the drive way and we live on a completely flat street. Ugh. This stuff was the worse I have ever seen. They were shutting down parts of the highway all over the place.
A little yoga when I got home helped. I'm thinking I'll hit the bottle next.
Hope you are all safe and sound! And not on the roads.
A little yoga when I got home helped. I'm thinking I'll hit the bottle next.
Hope you are all safe and sound! And not on the roads.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Brrrrr... Its Cold Outside
Current outside temperature is a whopping 3 degrees. Wind is whipping through to create wind chill temps in the negative teens. Wishing we were some place much warmer right now. I went out shopping today and my nose hairs were starting to freeze. On the bright side, at least the roads are clear.
Had a nice dinner with Kim's work mates on Saturday night. Good food, great games, and wonderful company. Wish you could have all been here.
Hope you are having a wonderful holiday season. And I do hope its much warmer where ever you happen to be!
Had a nice dinner with Kim's work mates on Saturday night. Good food, great games, and wonderful company. Wish you could have all been here.
Hope you are having a wonderful holiday season. And I do hope its much warmer where ever you happen to be!
Friday, December 19, 2008
Day 7 Bathroom remodel
stage 4 on shower redo
Day 6 Bathroom Remodel
All the stuff is on top of our new corner tub area
The floors got poured today with heating coil inserted
Day 5 Bathroom remodel
The hole where the tub used to be
The walls stripped to the stud
The tile below
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Bathroom Remodel - Day 3
So far so good on the bathroom remodel. First three days have been deconstruction. Its amazing what you find under the floors when you start pulling them up. Under the tub there was a whole other level 12 inches under the current level with some really cool tile that was in pretty great condition. No clue why they found it necessary to put pink & green decor over the very nice white marble.
Updated bathroom will have black travertine floors with light brown travertine walls. I can't wait to see the finished product.
Attaching a couple pictures of deconstruction thus far.
Updated bathroom will have black travertine floors with light brown travertine walls. I can't wait to see the finished product.
Attaching a couple pictures of deconstruction thus far.
Inside the shower:

Sugar Cookies at Break Neak Speed!
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Weekend Plans
We're off to Illinois this weekend. A little last minute, but something we really want to do. Got some cookie dough chilling this morning after an early morning workout. Will finish the cookies off on Sunday night. Everyone at work loves the sugar cookies of course. Going to try a new chocolate rice krispie cookie recipe.
Oh, and we get to go pick out new cabinets and tile for our master bath remodel. Looking forward to the finished product. I can honestly say that I'm glad I didn't tackle this project myself.
Hope you are all having a great holiday season.
Oh, and we get to go pick out new cabinets and tile for our master bath remodel. Looking forward to the finished product. I can honestly say that I'm glad I didn't tackle this project myself.
Hope you are all having a great holiday season.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Remember When
As the holidays approach... Kim starts missing her family even more than normal. Thought I would share a little nostalgic picture of the family. I believe this is taken in 1985 in front of Aunt Thelma's house at a family reunion. I'm in the very front in the nice purple shorts that were a little to short for my own good. Check out the long hair on my uncles Dave & LeRoy. Wow.

Back Drama Continued
On a happy note, Kim had a great trip to South Carolina for work this week. Off to Cincinnati for meetings tomorrow. Oh, and we are remodeling our master bathroom. Should I say, we are paying someone this time to break their back instead of us. We get to pick out new cabinets and tile on Saturday which will be fun.
Friday, December 5, 2008
Chris is on the road to recovery. Surgery #2 went a lot harder than planned, but day 2 & 3 were better than expected. He is back working 8 hours a day and is managing some off his feet time as well. Work is a little crazy for Kim, but managing. We are working on our thoughts are prayers for Steve, Jodi and Karli now who are dealing with things families should just shouldn't have to deal with. This morning it was 15 degrees on the thermometer. Definitely cold, but the at least the roads are still drive so I have a safe commute.
Hope the holidays are going well for all of you.
Hope the holidays are going well for all of you.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Surgery #2 for Chris
Chris went in Monday for the second surgery in the last two months to repair a hierniated disc. Surgery #2 was much more painful than #1. He had a few more of the negative side affects this time as well. But hopefully it will heal properly this time and it will be his last back surgery forever.
Its snowing in Indianapolis. Looks pretty, until you get out on the road with all the crazy drivers. Probably won't stop now until about March. Good thing we got the Christmas lights up already.
Its snowing in Indianapolis. Looks pretty, until you get out on the road with all the crazy drivers. Probably won't stop now until about March. Good thing we got the Christmas lights up already.
Sunday, November 30, 2008
What a Great Thanksgiving
The Thanksgiving weekend was wonderful. Great food and great company for Turkey dinner. Everyone brought a lot, ate a lot, and took home a lot. We played games, searched and planned for our Black Friday shopping adventure, and ate some more.
Girls searching the paper preparing for the shopping day ahead
Jodi and Steve - don't they look great!
The girls playing a little Mad Gab. Merry was awesome!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Happy Thanksgiving All!
Just a quick note to tell you all happy Turkey Day. We are heading to Illinois for the weekend to enjoy time with all Chris' family. I anticipate lots of good food and even better company. I've already got the turkey brining and a mint chocolate cheesecake ready to go. Jodi will be making ham and sweet potato casserole (which I'm really excited about). And Merry will be making her famous Texas cake along with some pumpkin pies. We are looking forward to seeing everyone.
A note to our far away family and friends: we will sure miss you this weekend. Whether you are in Oregon, in Idaho, in Utah, in Wisconsin, in Florida, in South Africa, in England or where ever you may be, we will be thinking about you. Happy Thanksgiving to you all.
A note to our far away family and friends: we will sure miss you this weekend. Whether you are in Oregon, in Idaho, in Utah, in Wisconsin, in Florida, in South Africa, in England or where ever you may be, we will be thinking about you. Happy Thanksgiving to you all.
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Wonderful Weekends
What a great weekend. Friday night we had date night. Went out for good food and a great movie back at home. Saturday we ran errands, went to the library, had our good friend Larry over for dinner and watched another good movie. Dinner was fantastic. Chicken Marsala and then a great new lemon bar recipe for dessert. Hope you are all having a nice weekend too.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Bad News
We found out this week, after a lot of added pain, that Chris needs to have back surgery a second time. He re-reherniated the disc that he originally had fixed in September. Bad news for both of us. Him because he has to deal with all the pain. Kim because she has to deal with him. Just joking. We can't wait for him to start feeling better. Poor guy. Keep your fingers crossed that this next surgery actually works.
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Pictures of our best friends babies
We miss you Chris Cremer
For those of you who don't know, our nephew/cousin, Christopher Cremer had an incident with an ATV last month and broke his collarbone. He grows so much that the doctors are convinced it will heal quickly. He has a doctors appointment in a week to see if he gets to start basketball practice. By the way, I think our influence on him over the summer is going to pay off with him going out for the tennis team this year. He bought himself a new tennis racquet already.
We had a great time with him this summer and miss him a lot. You can see the picture above of Venita, Christopher & Chris in front of the Field Museum in Chicago. Look how much taller than Chris he looks. Wow!
Friday, November 14, 2008
Memories from traveling
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Relaxation 101
Hey we are having a great weekend, Kim is in the kitchen cooking up some cookies and dinner for tonight. We have done some shopping and made it by the library and watched just the right amount of TV and movies. Sleeping in is a treat and we made it until almost 8am, that is rare for us. The weather has turned to snuggle from fall and snow is in the forcast soon. Anyone intersted in raking some leaves, we are allowed to put out 40 bags a week and I am sure we have more than enough.
Friday, November 7, 2008
Santorini (Greece) Donkeys
How's the back?
And before any of you can start in yes below my hand, the curve, yes that is a love handle and with Kim's cooking I get as much love as I can fit in.
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Hello from Monterrey
Monday, October 27, 2008
Weekend Relaxation
This is the second weekend we have gotten to hang out together and relax a little. Friday night we had date night. Went to a new restaurant, got dessert, and watched a movie at home. Saturday was filled with errand running. Got a few more Christmas gifts, had lunch out, went to the library, then came home and relaxed. Might I just say that the public library here is amazing!
Sunday we had to get up and rush to clean up all the leaves because a potential buyer came to look at the house. But Sunday afternoon we got to watch football, workout and bake about a weeks worth of food. Homemade pizzas, burritos, and a couple apple pies.
You also might be interested to know that Chris and I have successfully kicked our caffeine habit. We are both down to 1 soda per day only. It took a couple days of headache's, but it worked.
Sunday we had to get up and rush to clean up all the leaves because a potential buyer came to look at the house. But Sunday afternoon we got to watch football, workout and bake about a weeks worth of food. Homemade pizzas, burritos, and a couple apple pies.
You also might be interested to know that Chris and I have successfully kicked our caffeine habit. We are both down to 1 soda per day only. It took a couple days of headache's, but it worked.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Monday, October 20, 2008
Cookie Decorating
Chris and I had a great weekend. One of the first in a long time that we felt somewhat normal. No place to go... So we had fun just spending time together. Date night on Friday night complete with take out Chinese. On Saturday: Lots of lawn mowing (or should I saw leaf mowing). A little haircut & color & highlight for Kim. And Sunday: Some football for Chris. Some exercise and yoga for Kim. Then cookie decorating (Chris is good). And then a final wrap up with a dinner of Osso Buco (lamb shanks). I could definitely use more weekends like this!
Saturday, October 11, 2008
Beautiful Fall Weekend
Saturday we drove to see the leaves changes in Madison, IN (near the IN, KY border) along the river. Madison was beautiful The area looked more like Tennessee. The city was having a soup festival. Too bad we weren't hungary.
Friday night we attended an anniversary party planned by Kim to honor those in her work group that were celebrating milestone anniversaries (20, 25, 30, 35 years of service with the company). We started with drinks and appetizers. Then moved on to a nice sit down dinner and desert, complete with a funny presentation on each person being honored. After dinner was drinks, darts, pool, etc. Chris schooled a few people in darts. Then everyone got to stay the night at the company "farm" (more like a hotel really).
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Christmas Early
Yippee! Chris ordered an iMac for us today. I can finally edit my Greece & Turkey pictures and download music.
Weather is beautiful in Indiana today. Mid 70's and very sunny. I cleaned garden pots and planted fall flowers. The house looks ready for a Thanksgiving celebration now.
Weather is beautiful in Indiana today. Mid 70's and very sunny. I cleaned garden pots and planted fall flowers. The house looks ready for a Thanksgiving celebration now.
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Weekend of Separation
Chris is still in Las Vegas and Kim is in Indianapolis. These weekends stink... But the house is still in one piece so I can't complain too much. Weather in Indy is great. Its been a long week of work for both of us. Chris in class and me trying to keep up with my work load. Glad its the weekend. I got Christmas Cards on the table, my laptop out to do a bunch of work, and the lawn mower ready to go. (I haven't mowed the lawn in 2 weeks, ugh!). May do a little Christmas shopping. Hope all is well for all of you.
Sunday, September 28, 2008
Hello from Las Vegas. What a fantastic day we had. Got up early while everyone else was just going to bed. The streets were empty and the weather a bit cooler. It hit 97 today in the afternoon. Had a great breakfast at Caesars. Walked for about 5 hours. Made Chris' back feel great and Kim's feet a little sore. Took a quick rest. Had dinner at Spago. Then went to see O (a Cirque De Soleil show) that was incredible. Here's a few pictures.

Inside the Venetian

Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Weekend in Bloomington
Friday night at Chevy's there was cause for celebration. Ronnie is a year younger at 67! And Karli made the pom's squad. Mom isn't so "FAST" anymore, but finally she caught on to the surprise cake and presents back at the house. Weekend was filled with making sugar cookies and carmel corn and some awesome pork for bbq dinner thanks to Chad. Hope those cookies are almost gone. By the way, were was everyone when we were frosting cookies anyhow. Since when is homework more important than cookie decorating. It was a great weekend. Thanks to the entire Dixon, Smith, Aeschelman clan for all the excitement.
Next week... Las Vegas here we come.
Next week... Las Vegas here we come.

Sunday, September 14, 2008
Chris & Chad Elk Hunting in Eastern Oregon
What a great week hanging out with the bro and the in-laws. Lots of camo, lots of cribbage, and a lots of poker. Chris even won 2nd place in the Eagles Texas Hold'Em Tournament on the way home. And I can't forget to mention all the awesome food. Norma and Nancy were amazing.
Eastern Oregon Scenery
Chad Posing with Bull Elk (not his)
The hunters (Chad, not Chris)

Sunday, September 7, 2008
Michigan and the UP (Upper Peninsula)
Chris and I got to be tourists again in the midwest and spent Labor Day weekend camping in Michigan. First night we spent near Higgins and Houghton Lakes. Lots of deer, maybe a little too many on the road. Second night we migrated clear up to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan staying in St Ignace and exploring Wild Life Refuge and State Parks. Final night we stayed in a campground just walking distance from Pentwater. We got the chance to see 3 of the Great Lakes: Michigan, Superior & Huron. Which feel more like oceans than lakes. The weather was perfect and the time away from all the other stresses of life was well needed. Hope you enjoy the pictures.

Upper Peninsula. Painted Rock State Park.

Wildlife Refuge on Upper Peninsula. Lots of birds, no bears or moose.

Mackinac Bridge (Route to Upper Pensinsula):
Monday, August 25, 2008
Yes it is true we are a bit more mobile and flexible on where we live so if you are just catching up we now live in Indianapolis. The funny thing is we have always found something fun or interesting about everywhere we lived and treated every place as temporary. The constant tourist approach we have found we do more stuff the places we live in a short time then most people who have lived the for many years.
Life is never boring and time flies by, we keep an active calendar so if you want to keep up this will be the place.
We just got back from a weekend trip over to Illinois to visit family.
Next up Michigan for Labor day weekend road trip and camping.
Life is never boring and time flies by, we keep an active calendar so if you want to keep up this will be the place.
We just got back from a weekend trip over to Illinois to visit family.
Next up Michigan for Labor day weekend road trip and camping.
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