They say when in Rome, do as the Romans do. Usually that is an easy decision for us as we are always trying to be tourists, but a overnighter to Niagara Falls with 8 hours each way of driving on a Sunday/Monday was a little bit beyond our normal comfort level. Good thing for some convincing friends that convinced us to take the plunged (no pun intended). I can honestly say we had an amazing time and it was completely worth the trip. We crossed the border and stayed on the Canada side which is actually the prettier side. The views were amazing and the company was great as well. Most of you know that we have some amazing Korean friends in Maryland. They live right down the hill (walking distance) from us and treat Lily like she is family. We've had some fun trips with this and this one proved to be one of our most exciting together. Heck, Chris even won $200 at the casino while Lily and I slept. Hope you enjoy the pictures. But I must say that the pictures don't do these falls the justice they deserve. They are truly beautiful.

Julie's "Mom" (Lily's Korean Grandma) and Lily
Julie, "Mom" & Kim
We took a boat tour right out to the middle of the falls. We got soaked, but the weather was beautiful that day so we dried quickly.
Views from the Sky Tower (wind in our hair and all)
This is a view from the sky tower overlooking Niagara, NY (the US side)
View of Horseshoe Falls
The Canadians always have the prettiest gardens.
Bryant, Sarah, Matt & Lily
Julie & Lily