Two teeth, swim lessons, sitting up by herself already, and eating all kinds of baby food are just a few of the exciting things we have experienced these last several weeks. We had a great weekend. Weather was sunny, but a little chilly (60 degrees). Saturday, Chad, Stef & Loren came to visit which was very exciting for Lily. We went for lunch, shopped and just hung out. Sunday we went on a 7 mile walk on the Monon trail and then went to some open houses at some condo's (don't ask why). Lily was a fantastic baby all weekend long. What a joy she is.
I can sit all by myself now. For five minutes at a time. Check out my belly hanging over my diaper in this picture.

Yes, I am a happy baby...

Swim lessons are great. No crying, but haven't quite mastered the breast stroke. Not sure who is whiter (mom or Lily)

I love laying on the blankets from my Grandma Norma. I roll all over them and play with my toys.